
All payment and fee processing will be completed by King’s Alaska business office. The business office will oversee collecting tuition and other fees and contacting families regarding payment issues. If you have a question or concern regarding a payment or fee, please contact our business office at 907-615-4949.

Tuition Rates

Preschool-3 Rate (three days per week, four hours per day):
$4000.00 per year paid in 10 monthly installments (or at once)

Preschool-4 Rate (five days per week, four hours per day):
$6000.00 per year paid in 10 monthly installments (or at once)

Kindergarten-3rd Grade Rate (five days per week, seven hours per day):

$7900.00 per year paid in 10 monthly installments (or at once)

4-12: Future information

Families will contract for a specific weekly schedule as indicated on the Enrollment Form. Payment for this contracted schedule is required every week during the school calendar year whether or not your child attends; this enables us to pay teachers a stable salary every week all year. No credits are given for sick or vacation days, holidays, staff training closure or closure due to inclement weather.

Multiple Child Discount

Families with multiple children enrolled in King’s Christian School will qualify for the following multiple children tuition discount (registration fees still apply to each child registered):

Second Child: 10% off Full Tuition
Third Child: 15% off Full Tuition
Fourth Child: 20% off Full Tuition

Tuition Deposit

The non-refundable supplies/books fee is due before June 1st, along with the enrollment form:

  • Preschool 3 supplies/books fee: $175.00
  • Preschool 4 supplies/books fee: $220.00
  • Kindergarten supplies/books fee: $285.00
  • First-Third Grade supplies/books fee: $500.00

Placement in a King’s Christian School Alaska classroom will be confirmed once the required enrollment forms are completed, returned and the supplies/books fee is received. If the child is unenrolled during the school year, tuition is paid until the end of the month of unenrollment.

If a classroom has reached enrollment capacity, a waiting list will be developed. Parents will be notified as there are openings in the respective classrooms. Tuition will not be charged until there is confirmed capacity to accept a student on a waiting list.