Parent Resources

Dress Code

Kings Christian School implements a uniform dress code for all students

  • Polo shirts with KCSA logo must be worn daily, including long or short sleeved
  • Pants in solid colors (Khaki, black, blue, grey, including jeans without holes) may be worn by boys and girls
  • Skirts may be worn by girls no shorter than 3 inches above the knees
  • School sweatshirts may be worn over a school polo shirt

Uniform Store


Regular attendance at school is important to the learning cycle. King’s Christian School Alaska does keep attendance records.

If your child is going to be absent or arrive after 8:15 AM, please call us at 907-615-4949 We will be concerned about your child if we do not hear from you. Students arriving later than 8:15 will be counted as tardy. Students will be counted absent (half day) if they arrive later than 8:30 AM or leave earlier than 15 minutes prior to the end of the school day.

If an absence occurs, KCSA requires a phone call to the school office or a written note on the date the student returns to school. The note/phone call must include the date(s) of the absence. KCSA may require a doctor’s note if the child is absent more than three consecutive days. The student will need to make-up the missed work. If you are planning an extended absence, we ask that you notify the teacher in advance so that make-up work can be prepared. If a pattern of absences occurs, a meeting will be scheduled with the administrator and teacher to discuss ways to improve attendance.

School Supplies List

Preschool 3 & 4:

  • Crayons (8 count)
  • Washable Markers (12 count)
  • Colored Pencils (8-12 count)
  • Watercolor Paint Set with Brush (8 colors) 12 Pencils (sharpened)
  • 2 Large Erasers
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 bottle of liquid glue
  • 3 large glue sticks
  • 1 Box Quart-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • 1 Box Gallon-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • Large painting shirt or art smock
  • Extra Change of Clothes (in a plastic grocery bag labeled)
  • Inside shoes (when boots are worn to school)
  • Backpack
  • Water Bottle (with their name written on it)

School supplies will be combined for the classroom community. Please label clothing, shoes, and other personal items.

Kindergarten and First Grade:

  • Crayons (24 count)
  • Washable Broadline Markers (12 count)
  • Fine Line Markers (12 count)
  • Colored Pencils (8-12 count)
  • Watercolor Paint Set with Brush (8 colors)
  • 24 Pencils (sharpened)
  • 2 Large Erasers
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 bottle of liquid glue
  • 3 large glue sticks
  • 1 Box Quart-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • 1 Box Gallon-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • Large painting shirt or art smock
  • 300 Sheets of Wide Rule Lined Paper (First Grade only)
  • 5 folders that have pockets and three prongs for inserting lined paper (First Grade only)
  • Inside shoes (when boots are worn to school)
  • Backpack
  • Water Bottle (with their name written on it)

School supplies will be combined for the classroom community. Please label clothing, shoes, and other personal items.

Second Grade and Third Grade:

  • Crayons (24 count)
  • Washable Broadline Markers (12 count) Fine Line Markers (12 count)
  • Colored Pencils (8-12 count)
  • Watercolor Paint Set with Brush (8 colors) 24 Pencils (sharpened)
  • 2 Large Erasers
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 bottle of liquid glue
  • 3 large glue sticks
  • 1 Box Quart-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • 1 Box Gallon-Sized Ziploc Bags
  • Large painting shirt or art smock
  • 300 Sheets of Wide Rule Lined Paper
  • 5 folders that have pockets and three prongs for inserting lined paper
  • Inside shoes (when boots are worn to school)
  • Backpack
  • Water Bottle (with their name written on it)

School supplies will be combined for the classroom community. Please label clothing, shoes, and other personal items.

Communication & Family Partnership

Individual Communication. Teachers will reach out individually through phone calls, email, or notes home to share successes, accomplishments, and challenges as needed.

Weekly Communications. Weekly newsletters will keep you informed about your child’s activities and experiences at school. Students will bring home a Weekly Folder each week with completed work, a newsletter, and other information to keep parents informed about school activities. In addition, a monthly school calendar will be sent home each month.

Email. We encourage you to provide an email address that you use regularly so that we may send you announcements, event invitations, newsletters, and general updates.

Family Visits. Family participation is encouraged. Visit our classrooms, volunteer, come along on a field trip, or eat a meal with your child. Signing in is required for the safety and protection of our children. Each visitor must wear a visitor’s badge while on the premises and sign-out upon leaving.

Family Night. Family nights are scheduled on a regular basis. Family Nights allow families and children time to share, learn, and have fun. Families have an opportunity to be a part of their child’s learning experience and connect with other families.

Report Cards: Report cards are prepared four times each year and are distributed within two weeks of the end of each quarter. Academic grades and behavior marks are intended to show a measure of progress and growth.

Conferences: Family & teacher conferences occur twice a year. During these conferences, we will celebrate your child’s strengths and growth, discuss challenges, and offer ways to support your child’s growth at home. You may request additional conferences regarding your child’s progress at any time. We encourage you to communicate any concerns.

Chain of Communication: We recognize that there may be times when misunderstandings, disagreements, and wrongdoings occur. However, it is God’s will that we work in harmony and be of one accord. Based on Matthew 18:15-17, we work to keep the matter confidential and the circle as small as possible. In the case of a disagreement or conflict with a member of the staff, the following Chain of Communication will be used to resolve the issue at the lowest level possible:

  1. Speak with the staff person. If it is not resolved,
  2. Speak to the School Administrator about the problem. If is it still not resolved,
  3. Submit your concern in writing to the School Administrator for School Board discussion. The School Board will provide a final resolution.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Drop Off:

We open at 8:00 AM. Please do not drop off your child prior to the opening time. Parents are expected to accompany their Preschool-3 and Preschool-4 children and drop them off in their rooms. Students in grades K-12 do not require parent/guardian escort into the building and classroom during drop-off or pick-up. Attendance (check-in) will be recorded in each classroom. School begins at 8:15 AM.

Students will enter the main church doors and proceed to the education wing and their respective classrooms. The secretary will be in the lobby if you require assistance or need to leave a message. If students arrive late (after 8:15 AM), they will need to enter the church administration office to the left of the main church entrance. Attendance will be taken there, and they will be escorted to their classrooms.


We close at 12:15 PM for Preschool-3 and Preschool-4 and at 3:15 for Kindergarten through Third Grade. Please allow enough time to arrive and pick up your child by the end of the school day. Students will be picked up at the main entrance to the church. Parents arriving to pick their child up after 12:30 p.m. for Preschool and after 3:30 for Kindergarten through Third Grade will need to go to the administrative office to pick them up.

Inclement Weather

Should severe weather or other conditions (i.e., snow, storms, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, loss of power, loss of water) prevent us from opening on time or at all, notification to the families will be announced by text message, and through radio and television stations that pass along such announcements to the community. While we will consider local public school district closure announcements, it will not be the final determination for KCSA. Regardless, parents are always welcome to assess the weather conditions in their area and determine what is safest for their child since transportation is the responsibility of the parent.

If it becomes necessary to close early, we will contact you or emergency contacts on file as soon as possible via email or text message. Your child’s early pick-up is your responsibility to arrange.


Each family is a child’s first teacher. We value families as partners in the growth and development of children in our school.

The success of each child is greatly impacted by the involvement of their parents. We encourage and expect parents to be involved in the school, visit children’s classrooms, participate in events, and provide feedback. In addition, every parent is encouraged to support their student by:

  • Making sure the student has a good breakfast in the morning, arrives on time, and adheres to the KCSA dress code
  • Praying with their child and encouraging scripture memorization
  • Emphasizing high priority on education and all that the school provides
  • Monitoring the student’s progress, report cards, communication with the teachers, and attendance at parent conferences
  • Helping their child understand the KCSA Family Handbook and policies
  • Supporting and reinforcing your child’s positive behavior (Ephesians 6:1-4)
  • Participating in the school and in fundraisers
  • Supporting the school by being a positive example in word, deed, and prayer

Volunteers: Please note that passing a background screening is a requirement for all volunteers that support the classrooms. Our students’ safety is of utmost importance. Adults that have not passed the background screening will not be permitted to help on field trips or volunteer in the classroom until the clearance is received by KCS administrative office. For background screening, please visit the KCSA office.

Family Events:

King’s Christian School Alaska has several events throughout the year that bring school families together. Watch for more information in upcoming newsletters. Here are a few examples:

  • Fall Open House
  • Family Support Nights
  • Holiday Gatherings
  • Book Swaps
  • Spring Family Picnic
  • Awards Assemblies

Classroom Activities:

There are several opportunities to help in your child’s class with special activities. Watch for announcements. Here are a few examples:

  • Chaperone field trips
  • Read to children
  • Volunteer with classroom activities
  • Donate requested items
  • Helping with fund-raising projects
  • Classroom preparation at home or school
  • Greet children each morning or at pick-up
  • Help during Parent/Teacher Conferences